November 23, 2008

How do you see things??? What do you see first???

I got this from my boy J Sakiya Sandifer over at, one of my favorite websites. Im a very big fan of his and i copped his book, "THINK THINK THINK AND THINK AGAIN". I would recommend it to anybody who like to read, and the purpose of the book is to open ya mind and make you think. Back to this picture, this pic is crazy because when i first seen it i saw the GOOD first. But further analyzing the picture, i started to see that EVIL is written in white. Comment and tell me ya opinion and feelings towards the picture.
>>>>> The Artist Known as "B"


Anonymous said...

that's crazzy!
it took me a couple minutes to figure that out..

but the world isn't balanced cause in everything that's good, there's evil to a certain extent..