October 30, 2009

Ladies Listen UP!! I Got ya Fellas lol

I ran across this article as soon as i got on the computer and Man ol Man did this spark some much needed energy out of me. lol the article is about relationships and the 14 mistakes women make that they wish they didn't. I took out some that were really good. Disclaimer: The ones i choosed may not be associated with me and my past relationships but it is from relationships that i have viewed or heard about. Here some of the ones that got me saying AMEN:

1. Thinking we'll never get over him. We will. Two months and several powdered donuts later... we'll feel better.(Pause)
B's Take: This is the truth and is one of the reasons as a man you can't settle we got to keep pushing the envelope in the relationship, the last thing you want is for her best friend all in her ear telling her "You know you can do better than him. or There's better fish out in the sea."

2. Spying. Hacking into email or phones looking for suspicious messages and then yelling at him for the "k thnx bye" text he sent to his female coworker two months ago.
B's take: definite no no, 9 out 10 times you will find what you are looking for. If you dont find anything and are found running thru stuff den who wears the DUNCE CAP??? YOU!!!

5. Expecting too much. Putting so much energy into the idea of a fairy-tale romance that we're disappointed with anything less. B's take: I would hope we all are at the stage where we know theres no such thing as a perfect relationship. right??

10. Using the silent treatment. Our partners can't read our minds; he won't know what's wrong unless we sack up and tell him. B's take: AMEN AMEN HALLELUJAH!! I mean this is for guys and girls though. I know im guilty of it but forreal thats like trying to complete a test with no pen/pencil. You know you know the answers to the problem but you never gonna get credit for it unless you put it down. The teacher can't tell you know it if you handing in a blank test.

12. Standing alone. Thinking that depending on someone else is a weakness. Leaning on someone else sometimes is the sign of a healthy relationship.
B's take: See Beyonce set everyone back with her songs about independence. Imma end it right there. lol

13. Over-analyzing. There's analysis and then there's over-analysis. Wondering why the fiance didn't call once during his bachelor weekend in Vegas? A legitimate case for analysis. Wondering why he only called twice and not three times during a guys' night out? Not so much.
B's Take: This is the #1 relationship killer because it leads to trust issues. Fellas check it at the door if ya lady is on that Over-analyzing most times she just dont trust you. I seen it on MTV True Life so trust me on this one. lol

I know i went Doctor B on ya with this post but it was a very good article i feel it hit a lot of mistakes right on the head.

To Check out the Rest of the List CLICK HERE