The year starts off with Police taking the life of an innocent 22 year old Oscar Grant, who leaves a 4 year old daughter behind. The same night over in New Orleans another 22 year old, Adolph Grimes III, was shot 14 times in his back by undercover narcotics officers. In Texas, another man, Robbie Tolan, was shot while laying down on his driveway by a white cop. Like I really pray that justice is serve but this is not the first time we all heard of tragic stories that go this way. I know in the case of Oscar Grant that cop had no right and definitely didn't follow police protocol. This just go to show that Tommorrow really not promised. Then you go across the ocean and we have the Gaza Situation, where innocent families are being killed. Its really sad that we living in a world like this. I know Barack bout to take over the thrown in The White House, but these events will continue regardless if Barack is president. The only question I ask when will it stop??
The Artist Known as "B"
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