January 18, 2009

Notorious is in Movie Theaters

Make sure ya go support the movie, imma catch it probably today. I wasn't in no rush cuz i already know how it ends.(My cruel but funny joke) I heard the movie had people crying around my way, and i seen on the news that it had some people shooting guns as well. I don't know what that says about the movie but hey people are crazy. It probably was one of Lil Kim relatives. My boy Derek Luke in the movie, I'm proud to say he graduated from my high school, long before i was there but my teacher told me she had him as a student. If you seen it tell me what you thought about it. Sidebar my boy Money said he not in no rush either to see the movie, he told me he gonna catch it when it come on HBO. Had me rolling.

The Artist Known as "B"


Anonymous said...

Hey B this is my first time ever leaving you a comment...I went to see the movie the first day it came out...it was really good it showed another side of Biggie. I went to the theater in Brooklyn...people wasn't wilding like i thought they would be the cops was out there heavy...But any who keep up the good work with the blogs...TTYL.
