April 21, 2009

LMAO of the Day

Check it out!!

The Artist Known as "B"


Anonymous said...

big bra u gotta stop lol...

Anonymous said...

Ok Artist B, since I have yet the courage and creative capacity to begin my own blog, I have finally decided to dedicated myself to yours...this is where you smile and begin to feel special lol...i'm just kidding.

Anyway, I wish to introduce myself to you and others, although you already know me, but not the web me, so allow me , to you know, ..introduce me :D get me?

this is leticiamarie , LM for short. to comment on the first portion of your post, about remaining friends after you've broken up with someone, I tend to wonder the following: why would you still want to be friends with someone after you are no longer romantically involved with them? You might think this awkward coming from a female, but seriously, all girls know when a guy is trying to be only their friend, and when a guy is trying to be their friend in hopes of getting involved with them romantically. Females do this too, get friendly with a dude only to end up kicking game to him later..so I'm saying, if the foundational premise for beginning a friendship was for the possibly of developing a romance, than hell no people can't be friends. Those who break up and say " we can still be friends" are simply trying to make the break up easier on their new ex-lover, and is probably the person who wants to end the relationship. Now, I do believe in relationships ending with all parties remaining civil. You know, for that one random summer day when you bump into each other again, you can say hello, small talk small talk, blah blah , and go on your merry way.

I'm all for the Bulls. Gordon was beaming, too much confidence, which makes his game easier to read, the celtics won, but not a impressive win if you ask me. but a win is a win and the Bulls got a quick reality check.