May 29, 2009

Soundtrack of my life Right Now!!!

Tough song, very timeless. it brings me to the day of my graduation when i woke up and i felt like this was playing the whole day of my graduation. Its crazy how on point J sakiya Sandifer is in this post on the 24th of may, check it out:

"Achieving milestones in life are great because they produce great moments of reflection. I thank and appreciate everyone who reached out to say their congratulations, although I must admit there were times when I thought that some were more excited about it than me…and of course that made me reflect even more.

It made me think about when one of my mentors told me to always distinguish the difference between a bridge and the destination. Fortunately my journey has taught me that others will often mistake my bridges as my destination and it’s best not to get too caught up in their perspectives. I feel compelled to share this lesson learned with the many others who have decided to live out their dreams.
via: The Think Movement

I really felt like that on my graduation seeing everybody crying, i felt like i didnt have time for tears because graduating was something i took as a step in life and not as an ultimate goal. I still feel like im not satisfied by just graduating and that when i reach my goal in life thats when the emotion and tears may come. I really look at J Sakiya as an older brother that i never had, lol. My girl Hadiatu and J Sakiya are the two people that i really go to counseling for and when I make it big J Sakiya will definitely be receiving a check and Hadiatu will just get the keys to whatever car she want LMAO. If you havent been to his site, you should definitely check it out. Its hands down the most inspirational site you will ever visit. Here's a couple of pics from my graduation(PS im da dude on the right in the first pic):


I still never reached out to him to thank him for the promotion of Flix For Thought on his website. Imma check to see if i can reach out to him directly. Imma holla!! Lets Goooo Denver Nuggets.

The Artist Known as "B"